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Diana Miller for Congress

Press Release

October 3, 2019


Today, I proudly announced my candidacy for Congressional House District 22. I made my announcement at the Texas Federation of Republican Women’s Convention where delegates gathered to represent their organization of over 10,700 active members.  My message was met with overwhelming excitement and support as I discussed my recent efforts to protect the election integrity in Fort Bend County, my willingness to stand alone against personal threats to ensure the fairness in future elections.

For over a decade, I have stopped Special Interests from destroying the quality of life in Sugar Land, I stopped the over taxation of our residents, I helped expose developer deals that took money from our public school fund and I stopped attempts by the Democrats to manipulate our local elections.

The democrats believe they can turn District 22 blue because of our increasing diversity. As a 35-year resident of the district, and as a minority myself, I intend to be the catalyst to bringing that diversity to the polls in favor of a Republican candidate who reflects that diversity. As a Hispanic candidate in a district where Hispanics are the majority minority, I intend to reach across Party lines and bring in new Republican voters, something that has long been ignored in the District.

I will strengthen my ties with the overall diverse population in our community, a community where we have raised our children and grandchildren together and celebrated in their success. We are not divided, we are one. We are one in family values and strong work ethics.  I am the only candidate with a proven record of working tirelessly for the community and I will work tirelessly for the voters of District 22.

Diana Miller,

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